last overnight stay: Chloride, AZ

Yeah, the town of Chloride. Whacky as it sounds. One of those finds that I love about these semi random, make-it-up-as-you-go-along road trips. Oldest continually inhabited mining town in AZ, the proprietor of Shep's Miners Inn told me proudly. And why would I doubt him? People generally pretty friendly, including the lady wearing a “Let’s go Brandon” t-shirt and there for the semi-regular town-wide swap meet at the Mineshaft Market parking lot where folks bring just about anything—tools, dishes, carburetors, u-name-it—to swap stuff and stories, who when I asked if I could take a picture of her wares, said sure, but quickly grabbed her rifle and moved out of the picture frame. Where you from? she asked. California, I answered, just next door. Then added, and a world away. She quickly smiled and nodded. See? there’s always things that people of good will can agree on. I didn’t even complain about the rifle above my head in the hotel room. I’m sure it wasn’t loaded.


Charming & captivating. I secretly think I’d enjoy living in a quiet remote place like Chloride. Interesting photos!
ps) i like the food share table 👍

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